Saturday, August 31, 2019

College Life Essay

College is much different from my high school in so many ways. In my high school we was always on the same routine. We had four periods a day and first period started at 7:45 and we was on a block schedule meaning our classes was an hour and thirty minutes long. We had the same classes everyday so more learning during the day and less homework. Immediately after school we had football practice four days a week and played on Fridays. High school Is a good preparation for college, even though while in high school you will never expect what happens in college. In high school your parents were more involved in what go on in your daily life, whether you get in trouble in class or you get sick at lunch. College is an great experience I think everyone should have. In college you will learn responsibilities and how to take care of yourself. My life have change dramatically, went from seeing my family everyday to seeing them every three weeks maybe. The classes in college is much different than high school , there is no set schedule to do your homework or to study. This is where the responsible part come in, you are responsible whether you eat , sleep, study, have fun and even exercise. I didn’t mention being a student-athlete was hard as well, even though if I wasn’t an athlete I wouldn’t be a student. College not for everyone but if you have the opportunity at your grasp take advantage and make your family proud. Student-athletes have to set times like everyone else in college to complete there work and go to class but also they have to maintain there practice schedule daily. Being an athlete at Albany State is wonderful the fan base is so incredible and the odds are stack against us of making it pro. That’s why we are worked so hard and put to the test on the field and in the class room. Being a football player, practice start at 2:45 and end at 5:00 or so and some players have class after practice which is difficult to make some days but class is MANADTORY at Albany state. The coaches here are great and most of the coaches are alumni of this great school so they care about the organization deeply. Albany State Golden Rams is a Division ll power house which most teams underestimate and we show it to them on Saturdays. Here at Albany State Football players are respected not for what we do on the field but also of what we accomplish in the classrooms. I am very glad that I am able to attend Albany State University. Everything here is so overwhelming starting with The New Student Union Building . The food is amazing and the staff is amazing and caring. The games and the televisions are so entertaining and sitting in there is so relaxing and is a great study area. Campus life is the best of college experience meeting new people and socializing in the dorms. Here at Albany state are people that your going to be life long friends with. This campus is so secure thanks to the campus police. They are very concerned about the residents and love to protect and serve. If I had the choice to go to another institution I would not go Albany state is the life to live and the best college experience in the world. I appreciate what the staff, professors, coaches, police, RA’s , hall managers, and the Preside.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Mezirow’s Theory of Perspective Transformation

Mezirow’s Theory of Perspective Transformation Mezirow’s Theory of Perspective Transformation Adults today are the products of their individual histories and experiences, which influence their attitudes, thinking processes, and conceptualization of their worlds. John Mezirow believed that adults can be transformed from these experiences; however, the transformative learning involves critical self-reflection (Mezirow, 1990). Mezirow understood that adults can be transformed through a process of intertwining a disorientating dilemma followed by critical reflection and new interpretations of the experience.Mezirow’s process of perspective transformation is often illustrated as linear, additionally; Mezirow characterized ten phases starting with disorienting dilemma and ending with perspective transformation (Mezirow, 1990). Understanding the transformative learning and the disorientating dilemma helps adults appreciate and understand Mezirow’s theory of persp ective transformation. The start of my transformation begins with an experience. For example, an experience that I encountered was this past May after graduating from Immaculata University under-graduate program.My disorienting dilemmas begins with choosing the continuation of my education to pursue a Master’s Degree or begin the long and tedious process of job seeking and interviewing in a bleak economy. I believe that my decision is life altering and will only help me pursue a flourishing life. Evidence from Mezirow’s theory and the phases of transformative learning suggests that my dilemma falls under the first process of a disorienting dilemma (Anonymous, n. d. ). After graduation I had a few months to figure out a strategy and implement my plan.While exploring my options and figuring out a plan I became struck with fear, this fear came from the â€Å"unknown† of my future. To overcome my fear of the â€Å"unknown† I first self-examine who I am. I nee ded to get a better idea of who I am today and who I want to be tomorrow. After I made my decision to go back to school I began to talk more and more about graduate school with my family and close friends. Once the discussion of me going back to school began, I started to hear about other’s pursuing a graduate degree all around me.For example I play basketball locally in two different leagues. Most of the teams are composed of collage or recently graduated students. After I told my friends in the basketball leagues about my plans of going back to school a few of them also stated that they were applying or already enrolled for graduate school. Hearing other’s committing to furthering their education and the process of enrolling helped calm the fear I had deep inside. Further reassurance was added that others also shared in common the same transformation that I was tackling.This shared transformation between friends falls under Mezirow fourth phase (Anonymous, n. d. ) On ce I overcame my fear of the â€Å"unknown† I started to initiate my plan of action which falls under the sixth stage of Mezirow’s theory (Anonymous, n. d. ). My plan started with looking at local schools in the area with either an MBA or MA program in Marketing or Leadership studies. I looked at a few specific schools such as West Chester, Widener, and Immaculata University’s.After researching these schools I applied to them and waited to hear back for good news. Unfortunately I did not get into my first choice of Widener because I was 70 points short of the requirement for my g-mat score. However, I did get accepted into West Chester and Immaculata. After I had gotten accepted into graduate school I felt a sigh of relief that I had accomplished my goal of starting the new path to further my education. When I entered into graduate school this was a completely new experience as well as a new role for myself.I wanted to build up my self-confidence in my new roles and environment to reach my upmost potential. Building up my self-confidence was tough at first but I began to slowly overcome this from the support of my family, classmates, and professors. Progress was slow at first because of the â€Å"unknown† that I was dealing with in a new program and environment. Once I got over my first road bump I really started to take off with self-confidence which falls under Mezirow’s ninth phase (Anonymous, n. d. ).The last phase of Mezirow’s theory is the action of the final component of the transformative learning process (Merriam, Caffarella, Baumgartner, 2007). When I was dealt with my disorientating dilemma I took a delayed action to retort my options and plan. After reality set in that now is the time to make my transformation this was the end of a new beginning. My action to follow through with my choice to further my education is based off of my new found perspective from my disorientating dilemma and Mezirow’s ten phases of transformational learning.Reference: Merriam, S. B. , Caffarella, R. S. , & Baumgartner, L. (2007). Learning in adulthood: A comprehensive guide (3. ed. ). San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons. Mezirow, J. (1990). A guide to transformational and emancipatory pratice. PAACE Journal of Lifelong Learning, 7, 1-14. Retrieved February 14, 2011, from http://www. iup. edu/assets/0/347/349/4951/4977/10251/AF0EAB12-C2CE-4D2C-B1A0-59B795415437. pdf Anonymous. (n. d. ) Transformational theory.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Feature Article – Disrespect for Authority

Part of our culture there has been many ideas to what the Australian narrative has become. Disrespect for authority is a very prominent idea that is still extremely vibrant in the nation today. This idea is one of many ideas that are helped to define the Australian Narrative. Disrespect for Authority to Australians is renowned to someone who ‘crosses the line’ or ‘bends the rules’ for their benefits. This idea to Australians is so deeply embedded in our culture and heritage that we don’t even realise its happening.This obliviousness to, and blind acceptance of, the existence of anti-authoritarianism is by far the most dominant perception of the matter within our society. A distinguishing feature of an Aussie, who disrespected authority, can be taken back to one of our nation’s true old time legends. We all know the tales of Ned Kelly, one of our heroes from the late 1800s. This ‘legend’ was known for his courage, boldness, and bad boy behavior. Ned murdered and stole, but we still over look those negative results of his behavior, and celebrate his willingness to stand up for him self.Ned was forced into taking such actions because of the unfair treatment both him and his family had received from those in authority. It is only definite that Ned Kelly was a man who ‘bends the rules’ for his benefits, and he became famous for it. This then raises the question, is it right for Australia as a nation to celebrate such awful actions. Those ethics, such as standing up for self rights and boldness from Ned Kelly have echoed through time, leaking into our culture through numerous texts.They have also found their way into our more contemporary culture, where they have flourished through the minds of many Australians. Take the film Chopper for example; no doubt this film is a prime illustration of an Australian character that disrespects authority. Eric Banner plays the character of Chopper Reid in the film; his life story is replicated perfectly that consists of continuous lack of respect and courtesy towards authority. On numerous occasions Chopper committed to what we see as some of the worst crimes.He harmed those to what he saw as reckless criminals or other terms someone who killed for no reason. However, because of the fact that he was doing it for so called ‘good reasons’ we Australians over look that and celebrate Chopper as an Aussie icon. A prominent motive of the Australian way is having the ‘whatever’ attitude towards authority and people who are working for authority. Many Australians encourage the idea of disrespect for authority. This idea in the Australian narrative has become a continuous pattern in many Australians live.Now we have all heard of the party boy Corey Worthington, well believe it or not this young man is another classic example of a more contemporary person who has shown disrespect to authority. Corey Worthington hosted a wild p arty that consisted of approximately 500 youths. Not only did this uproar show disrespect to his parents, but to reporters, the law and other residents in the area. The teenager’s actions were no doubt reckless, though he considered himself a ‘legend’ for disobeying authority. Corey may have copped a $20,000 fine, but that became nothing to the praise the nation was giving him.Instead of being punished he was showered in numerous job offers, fame and many other opportunities. Corey Worthington took advantage of disrespect towards authority and was then celebrated for it. Disrespect for authority has been prominent in the past and present times and most likely to keep going onward to the future. Those who have disrespect for authority are worshiped for there actions and now days receive little to no penalty. Australians see this trait as an acceptance to our behavior as it has been embedded in the minds throughout many generations.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Libyas Tourism Industry Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Libyas Tourism Industry - Research Proposal Example The sudden increase of travel to the country from different parts of the world has resulted in enormous pressure on the natural environment. Negative impacts due to recreational activities within the country parks have occurred. Littering was one of the impacts caused by recreational activities. Refuse throughout the parks, as well heaped in rubbish bins was a common occurrence. In addition, animals' lives were also threatened by so-called ecotourism activities, which were organized by local travel agencies. Since this time, the government became aware the ecotourism market and the invaluable ecotourism resources in the country could serve as alternative attractions for visitors. The government cannot rely only on the man-made tourism infrastructure to retain the visitor number, as limited land is available for the construction of new tourism facilities. These facilities, on the contrary, may not be able to perform earn their keep because of the increasing number of visitors. Thus, m an-made infrastructures are not necessarily a cost effective way to develop tourism in the country. The present study will not only demonstrate an effective tool for ecotourism planning, but also will help in assessing and identifying potential ecotourism destinations, which conformed to eco-tourists' preferences, to facilitate ecotourism development in Libya. The assessment has provided a comprehensive understanding of the invaluable ecotourism resources within the country to identify the best suitable locations for ecotourism development. The study may be considered as a pioneer in ecotourism planning in Libya, especially in its application of ecotourism planning, which aims at filling the knowledge gap on ecotourism research. Despite the likely uncertainties and limitations, the study will offer a relatively comprehensive approach in assisting decision making for ecotourism planning. The study will also result in a better understanding of ecotourism resources, and where they are located. Comprehensive recommendations are also given to improve the approaches and strategies for t he destinations management. The understanding and recommendations contained in this report would provide essential information and advice for related departments in the government, to improve their ecotourism development strategies in the country. 3.0 Statement of the Problem The outbreak of eco-tourism passion triggered to the emerging needs for ecotourism products, as people believed that participation in outdoor activities could help to improve their health. Many travel agencies then started to package local tours in the name of ecotourism. These inappropriate tourism activities did not fit with the principles of ecotourism, but caused tremendous negative impacts to the natural environment. Many ecologically sensitive hotspots have been swarmed with visitors. This caused a far-reaching impact, which deteriorated the ecological value of the sites. Although the government has noted this issue, nothing has been done to stop and control such unhealthy development. Regulations may, therefore, be set in order to restrict humans' impact on the environment. To search for the most appropriate ecotourism planning and management approach in Libya, extensive research is needed. However, little

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Current Event Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Current Event - Article Example â€Å"We need an arsenal of functional facilities, and we are working over this now,† - The Guardian UK quotes Minister of the Armed Forces. The Minister stressed that the cyber-weapon will not replace traditional weapons, but he considers this type of weapon as an integral part of the armament of the country. Harvey said that the authorities are aware about all the fears associated with the using of such weapons. One of the main questions: when and who will make a decision about a possible counterattack on any object. Harvey said that the decision about cyber-weapon using will be made by the same rules that exist for conventional weapons. â€Å"Cyberspace - a relatively new territory, but the rules, norms, and logic that are used in decision-making in other areas, are applied here,† - the minister said. â€Å"I do not think that the existence of a new field - cyberspace - will force us to act more aggressively than in any other space. Legislative arrangements, under w hich we operate, are time-tested,† - he added. What kind of cyber - weapon is developed under this program, it remains a state secret.

Historical Anagoly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Historical Anagoly - Essay Example According to (A& E television,2001) â€Å"On September 11, 2001, at 8:45 a.m. on a clear Tuesday morning, an American Airlines Boeing 767 loaded with 20,000 gallons of jet fuel crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City†. The terrorist attack was carried out by the Al – Qaeda militant head Osama bin Laden and it gave rise to harsh rivalry between America and Islamic radical group. Since then the most mind boggling historical event was the killing of Osama bin Laden by American militants. The radical leader who swayed American government and security of the nation was killed in a remote Pakistani residence. The terrorist leader was killed and submerged in the sea by the American government and this was a pivotal achievement for the American government. The terrorist attack on World Trade Centre was a moment of threat, danger and insecurity for America but with the killing of Osama bin laden, the country gained the confidence and approval of i ts citizen. Fear of attack The America in its history has never undergone such an attack where the nation lost many of its citizen and right of freedom to act or survive in a peaceful environment. The country was living in fear as the reality was frightening where anytime one could face death or injury without short notice. The smell of death was everywhere, people were scared to step out of house or attend work. They believed and were alerted that any unknown baggage or suspicious man could be a radical element which could denote bomb or explosive. Frankly speaking, America was a safe country and every citizen had the right to live in a peaceful environment. However, with this attack, the country was the least secure nation as the radical elements seared to destroy the nation at any cost. At the same time, the Islamic militants were rejoicing at their success of mutilating America. They believed the culture and strategy of America were to destroy other nation and Islam as the only true religion should abolish Christianity and their cultural practice. The Al – Qaeda which was formulated by Osama bin Laden for the protection of Muslims under attack by America grew to be a large organization which had branches worldwide. They trained suicide bombers and convinced them to fight for the religion. The rigorous religious practice and training give way to September 11 attack which gave joy and success to Osama led Al Qaeda group. According to (Baldor,2013) â€Å"U.S. special operations forces who participated in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden were in uniform and wearing nametags during a CIA award ceremony attended by the writer of the film "Zero Dark Thirty," a Pentagon inspector general's report said Friday† The politics of the event Everybody knows that America as a powerful nation want all countries at their feet. The country had been enemy to many developing nation s as they ruled according to their will and wants their counterparts at their subjugation. The country had a major hand in attacking Afghanis along with Russia. The Osama bin laden has many times confessed that this union of America with Russia has sparked vengeance in him against America. He declared that the Saudi chose him to be a representative to fight against atheist America and Russia. It is a fact that Russians and America as westerners wanted to destroy the solidarity and unity of the growing

Monday, August 26, 2019

Multiculturalism in teaching and learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Multiculturalism in teaching and learning - Essay Example Multicultural education in Australia is believed to serve two main purposes: on the one hand, prepare all students to live in a multicultural society; on the other hand, ensure equal future opportunities for migrant and native students. Besides, multicultural education encompasses several dimensions. James A. Banks, one of the most influential and renowned multiculturalist, outlines five of them: integration, knowledge construction, prejudice reduction, equity pedagogy, and an empowering school culture (Banks, 2003). These dimensions additionally emphasize the multifaceted and broad nature of multicultural education. Yet, it will be misleading to forget that the concept remains a relatively new one that continues to change: the key question is whether multicultural education is still relevant these days or new challenges produced by modern society has gradually turned it obsolete The answers given to this question vary amazingly. Many believe that multicultural educational policies help students develop new human capabilities and new identities in order to properly respond to the increasing need to recognize cultural diversity.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Dubai Global Economy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Dubai Global Economy - Research Paper Example Besides, Dubai is recognized as the most important emirate of UAE due to its leading reserves of oil and natural gas. The nominal GDP of UAE in the year 2008 was recorded as 815,318 (mn dirham) and real GDP 453,578 (mn dirham) which depicts a sustainable growth since the year 2002. Notably, the nominal GDP of UAE in 2002 was 272,856 (mn dirham) and real GDP 269,304 (mn dirham). In addition, Dubai is also the main trading area among other emirates of UAE, which offers a significant influence on the GDP of the economy (Sementelli, A, â€Å"Toward a Taxonomy of Disaster and Crisis Theories†). Moreover, due to emergence of free-trade zones, Dubai became one of the imperative sectors of trade for the western producers, which offered significant support for the growth of financial condition within the economy of UAE. However, due to the recession of 2009, Dubai faced substantial challenges which also affected UAE to a significant extent (refer to figure 1) (Vietor, R. H. K. & Forres t, N. â€Å"Dubai Global Economy†). Focusing on these aspects, it can be stated that Dubai is among the most important emirates and the strategies should be considered as credible being fair and constitutional. Figure 1 UAE profile (2008) Dubai Profile (2008) GDP: 84% GDP: 152% Reserves: N/A Reserves: N/A Official Reserves: 46 $ billion Official Reserves: N/A External Debt: 211 $ billion External debt: 115 $ billion Source: (Vietor, R. H. K. & Forrest, N. â€Å"Dubai Global Economy†, pp. 6) Question 2 According to Astley (2009), the most important reason which resulted in this financial disorder was the erroneous monetary policies of the United States. The monetary policies mainly concentrated on the activities of the Central Bank or any other dictatorial authorities of the country that significantly helped in determining the extent and rate of growth of fiscal supply (Sibert, â€Å"Global Imbalances and the Financial Crisi

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Academic Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Academic Skills - Essay Example twentieth century, when the world was moving towards immense development at a global level, Nigeria was experiencing high unemployment, weak economy, abandoned and ruined educational system, high poverty, increased corruption and other malpractices in the private and public sectors, increased rates of crime, international criticism and imposed sanctions, and a bad management system. Okonkwo (p.58), along with other leaders, sociologists, and researchers advocated a strong need for a revamped and innovated educational system. Although the need for good education was recognized at the beginning of this century, or even earlier dating back to the colonial period (Ajayi, 420), researches conducted in recent times have also identified these or very similar needs. For example, Odia and Omofonmwan (p.81) have identified specific problems related to the educational system such as decline in standard, deterioration of facilities, examination malpractices, mass promotion syndrome and others. Ajibade stated, ‘Many Nigerian elites, going by the quality of their contributions to debates, are suffering from acute â€Å"intellectual malnutrition.† It is now pretty difficult to fight ignorance in Nigeria, a country which the World Bank report for 1991 says is the 13th poorest nation in the world. The per capita income of an average Nigerian hardly permits him the luxury of getting information materials. Not many Nigerians can afford the exorbitant prices of books.’ (qtd. in Ihonvbere, 73). This indicates two factors affecting the Nigerian education, firstly the standard of education and secondly, socioeconomics of the nation. In fact, academic crises and strength of sociopolitical conditions are interdependent. On similar terms, Odia and Omofonmwan (p.82) pointed out that education in the contemporary times has become the privilege of the affordable masses, and a business with great earning potential for the educationalists. Their research discovered that most of the

Friday, August 23, 2019

What was the role of Serbia in the events that led to the outbreak of Research Paper

What was the role of Serbia in the events that led to the outbreak of the First World War - Research Paper Example There were different factors such as imperialism, nationalism as well as the formation of different alliances between various countries which finally resulted into the emergence of war. The immediate causes of the war were even discussed during that era wherein major powers of the world at that time blamed each other for bringing the situation to a point where War broke out . (Taylor, 1980) Serbia was most instrumental and probably one of the key reasons as to why First World War took place. What role Serbia played in the outbreak of First World War therefore is an issue which attracted attention of many historians over the period of time. The assassination of Franz Ferdinand and the subsequent events which unfolded therefore gave rise to the need for developing broader understanding of the events which lead to war. Though the war started with the attack from Austria- Hungary on Serbia to potentially avenge the murder however, the overall political reasons for this war were much deeper. (Bourne, 1994) Before discussing the role of Serbia in the events which lead to the First World War, it is important that a general historical introduction of Serbia and its position before the war should be discussed. Serbia fell under the rule of Ottoman Empire in 16th century when it was conquered by Ottomans and were subsequently put under the rule for more than 300 years. The Ottoman conquest became possible due to the internal conflict within the Kingdom of Serbia and resultantly the State as a whole weakened. Serbia remained under the control of Ottoman Empire for more than 300 years and it was only in the beginning of the 20th century that it started to consider a separation from the empire and develop its own separate identity. It is also important to note that the organized revolt in Serbia against Ottoman Empire started during the 19th century and Serbia was able to free some area even during the 19th Century. It was

Thursday, August 22, 2019

I Know Why the Caged Birds Sing Essay Example for Free

I Know Why the Caged Birds Sing Essay 1. In the memoir the passage reveals Ritie’s self image. She characterizes herself as unappealing she does not see beauty within who she is. Ritie’s childhood led to her insecurities. When she was younger her parents took her to move with her grandparents. She believed her parents dishonored her. Ritie did not find her skin beautiful. She believed white was beauty. She was an uncomfortable in her own skin. She tried to become someone she is not because she knew how everyone view and felt about her. Since her childhood she received her appearance. Ritie kept her identity intact by not letting peoples judging and views influence her. 2. After years of separation Ritie’s relationship with her mother is respected. She respects her mother for who she is. Ritie sees her mother as a strong women, she knows her mother will also love her for who she is. Ritie admires her mother she looks up to her. Her love for her grandmother is more of mother daughter bond. Ritie’s role model is her grandmother and she is proud to say it. She sees her momma as a strong powerful person. She is tough but loving. Ritie’s wants to become like her grandmother, she loves her. 3. Maya knew she was different. She knew she did not fit in with the other girls in school. She did not feel that she was equal with everyone else she felt as she did not belong with the other children. She did not associate with anyone. She would isolate herself in a store. She barely socialized with any children. She stayed away from children her age even others. A comparison to race was when she was younger her tooth ached. The dentist was not willing to work with her. He was very racial and only worked with white patients. Ritie’s family copes with racism by not letting it affect them. They ignored, they maintained their dignity. 4. At the end of the memoir Ritie learns what might seem right to you will not always be viewed the same with others. For one to hare greatness they must go through obstacles. She learns everyone has the own definition on what is wrong and right. Ritie applies this when she had her baby she grew up and it gave her confidence in her baby. She always did what was best for her baby. 5. Why the Cage Bird sings shows that there is always a light at the end of a tunnel. When there’s darkness and disadvantages there is always hope to find your path. It shows they had to deal with negativity and racism but they took that and turned it into positive. The title relates they went through many struggles but in the end they can be free. 6. Adversity in the story delt with abandonment, racism, childhood trapped, unacceptance, also religion. In Mayas case she and her brother were sent to live with their momma in Stamps, Arkansas. She always had it in her mind that her parents were not alive. When she found out they were she had the feeling of abandonment she felt that they did not want her. When Mayas dad comes to get them she does not want to leave. She got use to Stamps. She overcomes her adversity by realizing her parents were going through a difficult situation. 7. Lessons can be learned about the South. Situations are never easy but you have to make the best of it. In life we are always going to struggle but we must stay strong and not let it get the best of us. There are always going to be people who judge you or don’t accept you. But if you know who you are and where you come from that’s all that matters. Another lesson is when should not try to be. Someone we are not we must appear ourselves because no one is perfect. We all have insecurities about ourselves but we should love who we are. Natasha De La Cruz Grade: 10 Title: â€Å"Bless Me, Ultima† Author: Rudolph Anaya 1. During the World War 2 actions occurred in this novel. In the novel a women lost her sons due to the war. Gabriel had both of her sons fighting in the war which was also significant hat occurred was a veteran shoot Chavez because he was affected by the war. 2. The characters adapt to the landscape because of the family’s different life livings. Antonio had to live two different life styles. His mother’s families were simple farming people. It was easier for them to farm everything was more nourishing. His father’s family was rougher around the edges. They were more independent and the land was harder to work with. Both families had their own values. 3. A movie that relates to this novel is Ruby Bridges. Both Ruby and Antonio go through struggles in their life to make something out of them. The film is about a young six year old African American girl who had enough potential to get into a better school for a better education which was in an all Caucasian school. Around that time racism was still around. Ruby was the only African American girl in her class, which then led problems to the parents of the children in her class. No one accepted her in the new school except her teacher. Throughout the beginning she had faced crowds of white citizens against her physically and emotionally. One day she was encouraged by her teacher and her mother who gave her strength and she made it through. She became significantly important in the civil rights movement.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Turning patients prevents pressure ulcers Essay Example for Free

Turning patients prevents pressure ulcers Essay I.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Introduction/ Preparation Statement of the Problem As for the study, the main problem to be considered is to determine the significant effects of turning in the prevention of pressure sores or ulcers. With the relational focus between the occurrence of the condition and the physiological processes involved, the study determines the most appropriate time allowance that the nurse should provide in bed turning administration to the patients. Considering different factors that influence the occurrences of bedsores, the study takes into account the possible factors contributing to their occurrences. The study aims to determine the relationship of providing bed turn for patients in order to reduce the occurrences of pressure ulcers. Within the study, the nursing intervention of bed turning is to be analyzed as to how it can further alleviate the condition of the patient, especially those who are prone to the development of pressure ulcers (e.g. skinny individuals, immunocompromised, immobile patients, unconscious, etc.). The condition of Pressure ulcer consists of localized disruption of skin integrity as well as the underlying tissue layers experience intense and prolonged exposure to most commonly pressure, while other etiologies can also include shear, friction, or any combinations of these causal factors. According to Lyder CH. (2003), pressure sores or also known as decubitus ulcers tend to occur in all cases wherein skin experiences sustained mechanical loads, but are usually common in those patients who are immobile and bedridden or those with administered orthopedic devices. Background and Significance of Problem The occurrences of decubitus ulcers have become one of the most common health problems that occur throughout the heath care unit, especially for clients who are immobile and currently under orthopedic therapy. According to statistics, it has been approximated that 1 million adults annually progress into acquiring pressure ulcers due to faulty nursing or care management. The incidence rates vary greatly depending on the health care delivery system. However, statistics evidently show that the occurrence of pressure ulcers range from 0.4% to 38%, which if broken down and categorized to the scope of quality of nursing care, it resulted from ranges 2.2% to 23.9% for health care facilities, and 0% to 17% for home health agencies (Fitzpatrick and Wallace,   2006 p.482). The most common age groups to develop this type of condition are those individuals aging from 70s and above due to the decreasing blood circulation. Significantly, insufficient and incompetent nursing care in the inpatient setting has been linked to the increasing conditions of this disease condition. In addition, the statistical incidence rates of decubitus ulcers are most prominent among inpatients of the hospital population under this age criteria. In fact, epidemiological ratings usually exceeds higher for those orthopedic cases (Baumgarten M et al., 2003). From the physiological point of view, the reason for the occurrence of decubitus ulcers is the inadequate oxygenation due to progressive or reoccurring pressure. This impedes the normal case of capillary refill and blood flow, which is responsible for cellular oxygenation; hence, due to impediment and impaired tissue perfusion, the end results to tissue necrosis. The development of these pressure ulcers usually occurs on the lower half body, two-thirds around the pelvis and a third on the lower limbs (National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, 1989). Added by Fitzpatrick and Wallace (2006), the development of pressure ulcers and high epidemiologic ratings of patients under a particular health care delivery system can negatively influence the credibility of nursing care provided by the indicated institution (p.482). Considering the attempts made in order to reduce or prevent the occurrences of pressure ulcers, the results obtained have significantly provided a small decline of in the epidemiological statistics. Bed turning is one of the most commonly utilized nursing procedures in order to alleviate and reduce the cases of bed sore occurrences. However, there has been no clear study on how to better apply this procedure in terms of frequency as influenced by etiologic factors contributing to the occurrence of pressure ulcers. To be able to do so, a thorough literature review has been conducted in order to determine the conditions for the application of patient turning. The gathered literature review is an essential component of this study since outcomes of the data gathered could be used in order to act as basis for coming up a nursing care plan for these patients in an effort to reduce the morbidity ratings of pressure ulcers in the health care setting (Gordon MD, Gottschlich MM, Helvig EI, et al., 2004). In the study done by De Laat et al published in 2005, the authors did utilized a form of review of literatures for the purpose of demonstrating the measures that other studies have utilized in order to prevent or treat pressure ulcers. From this, turning patient had become the most simple and commonly used nursing procedure for this purpose. By determining the standard frequency time for the turning of patients in consideration of factors associated to bed sore occurrences, further guidelines can be mandated in health sectors to effectively reduce the cases of prolonged immobility of patients; hence, reducing as well the risk of pressure ulcer occurrences. Purpose of the Study   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The purpose of the study is to provide information for the physiological relationship between the occurrence of pressure ulcers and the time standard required in between turning of patients. Critical analysis, comprehensive data integrations, and interpretation of research outcomes are the founding methodologies applied in the course research. The study should provide additional learning awareness for the public and health care institutions especially in terms of the most appropriate time allowance to be allotted in between patient turning. Turning patients can proved to be an important nursing procedure; hence, this study explores this procedure in an effort to raise the credibility of nursing care management in pressure ulcer management via patient turning. Independent and Dependent Variables Independent Variables Patient Age group Patient – Nurse ratio Dependent Variables Hospital protocols and policies Awareness of nursing facilities in the procedure Patient cooperation Definition of Terms: Independent Variables Patient Age group This pertains to the age criteria of those patients who have incurred the condition of bed ulcers. The study does not limit the age criteria although considers and categorizes the age group who had conjured the condition. Patient – Nurse ratio This variable pertains to the number of nurses available to cater to patients and the number available in providing the nursing procedure of bed turning for patients against the number of patients requiring need for turning, specifically those are at risk at acquiring the condition and those who have the condition already. Dependent Variables Hospital protocols and policies This dependent variable consists of those rules and standards utilized by the nursing service as the foreground basis in administering nursing procedures to their patient. This component can be modifiable granted that ethical concerns and rightful justifications are provided. Awareness of nursing facilities in the procedure The variable involves the knowledge of the nursing facility in terms of properly administering the turning of the patient, which consists of the standard time allotted per patient turning, and if there are considerations being applied depending on the etiology of pressure ulcers. Patient cooperation This involves the patient’s willingness to participate in the procedure provided by the nurse. Some patients demonstrate feeling of anxiety and reluctance, which causes resistance in participating in the given procedure. Significance of Project: To Patient Care The study is significant to patient care because the concept of turning patients facilitate appropriate physiological advantage on the part of the patient. By knowing the most recommended time allotted for every turns or repositions, the patient can lessen the risk of developing pressure ulcers, which, on the longer perspective, this can help reduce to morbidity ratings for pressure ulcers among patients. To Nursing The study is significant to nursing service since by knowing the most appropriate time necessary to stand as basis for every patient turns or repositions, the nurse may increase their competency in preventing the occurrence of bed sores for in-service patients. In addition, the decrease of pressure ulcer epidemiology in the nursing care facility can provide higher credentials in terms of perception in the nursing unit specified. To Society The study is significant to the community as it provides awareness expansion in the boy of nursing care for the sick. The concept of the study is more of a preventive task; hence, those families requiring preventive means for pressure ulcers can utilize the result of the study to further develop their care standards for their own patients; hence, fostering independence among family and community nursing care perspective. References Baumgarten M et al., (2003). Risk factors for pressure ulcers among elderly hip fracture patients. Wound Repair Regen;11:96-103. Fitzpatrick, J. J., Wallace, M. (2006). Encyclopedia of Nursing Research. Springer Publishing Publisher. Gordon MD, Gottschlich MM, Helvig EI, et al. (2004). Review of evidence-based practice for the prevention of pressure sores in burn patients. J Burn Care Rehabil.;25:388-410. Lyder CH. (2003). Pressure ulcer prevention and management. JAMA;289:223-226. National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel. Pressure Ulcers: Incidence, Economics, Risk Assessment—Consensus Development Conference Statement. West Dundee, Ill: SN Publications; 1989

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Business Process Reengineering in Service Sector

Business Process Reengineering in Service Sector Over the years, there has been a realization that for all businesses, manufacturing or service, change is key to success. Increasing costs, challenging timelines, cutthroat competition, and technological innovations are some of the major factors propelling change. Since most of the services are people / process oriented, the change is not easy to carry. Add to it, the fast vanishing geographical boundaries make the tasks even more difficult for the organizations. Whether the company operates in manufacturing sector or in services; organizations have been forced to rethink their strategies. Many a time, service sector has been ahead of manufacturing in the Business Process Reengineering queue. Improved Product / Service quality, reduced cycle time, reduced cost to the customer are direct outcomes of BPR. BPR is essentially different from other changes in an organization that it defies the Old wine in a new bottle principle. Business Process Reengineering is by definition, the means by which an organization can achieve radical change in performance as measured by cost, cycle time, service, and quality, by the application of a variety of tools and techniques that focus on the business as a set of related customer-oriented core business processes rather than a set of organizational functions. The shift is imminent. Competition is now global as against Local or regional in the past. Markets are focused in comparison to Mass. Operations are flexible in contrast to controlled. The focus is on Best service than performance. BPR is the answer as it talks of radical change vis-a-vis Traditional approach which limits itself to incremental changes. Business Process Reengineering involves tinkering with the organizations DNA and producing an evolved species. The mistake companies tend to make is pick the wrong process to be reengineered, or make only superficial changes. According to James A. Champy one of the founders of the management theory behind Business Process Reengineering, and proponent of a process oriented view of business management, BPR is not just about reducing cost but also improving quality, speed to market and changing the customer experience. Why BPR? The changing economic environment has led to an increasing interest in improving organizational processes to enhance business performance. BPR has been instrumental in success of various organizations. Sidikat, Ayanda (2008) in paper titiled, Impact Assessment of Business Process Reengineering on Organisational Performance concluded that business process reengineering has become useful weapon for any corporate organization that is seeking for improvement in their current organizational performance and intends achieve cost leadership strategy in its operating industry and environment. Different objectives of BPR include: Reduced transaction process time Improved customer service Increased volume of business Reduced operating cost Higher profitability Improved Employee loyalty Key enablers of BPR BPR involves a rationale change at every level of organization starting with top management. The most important thing to keep in mind while implementing any such exercise is to work across processes and not functions. Equally important is to have a strong internal team that is working on the implementation. Key enablers of BPR can be listed as follows: People Management Leadership Organizational Culture Functional Expertise Instantaneous reaction Performance Indictors Quality, Lead Time, Cost, Service Service Sector in India The service sector has experienced rapid growth over the years as many nations including India shifted from a manufacturing-based economy to a service economy. A major spur in this shift happened as a result of computerization and advancements in telecommunication. Along with this shift, the consumers expectations have grown manifold. It is extremely difficult to meet desired service levels in todays age without a shift from age old systems to high-tech advanced systems. Before discussing about BPR in service sector, a brief list of different Service sectors is as follows. Trade Hotels and Restaurants Railways Other Transport Storage Communication (Post, Telecom) Banking Insurance Dwellings, Real Estate Business Services Public Administration; Defense Personal Services Community Services Other Services BPR Service Sector Though Business Process Reengineering has been instrumental in changing the fate of many manufacturing industries, it has played an equally pivotal role in service sector. Additional Ps People Process that differentiate Services from Products along with PhysicaI Evidence are the most important drivers leading to this overhaul. Suzanne Wintrob (1995) in research paper titled It wont work if users kept in dark discussed the incomparable role of people in Business Process Reengineering. According to Sunil Chandiramani, National Director Advisory services, Ernst Young, The external team (consultants) can facilitate the process, but it has to be led by the internal team. In recent past, many service sector companies have successfully seen the transition from being overloaded with papers to technology driven time-saving systems. In India, with government giving a go-ahead to private players in 90s, public sector companies felt the heat and started losing market share to private counterparts. The private companies implemented modern centralized core processing systems. Banking is one of many Indian industries where this transition holds true. Indian Post and Indian Railways are other two takers of this dynamism. Banking Finance Public Sector Banks in India are the building blocks of Indian economy. Ironically, they had been deprived of all modernized systems till late 90s. They offered the most basic services such as manual deposits and withdrawals as compared to a bouquet of services such as facility of ATM, 24-hour banking, E-banking, M-banking provided today. State Bank of India is one such example which had undertaken a massive computerization effort to automate all its branches, implementing a highly customized version of Bankmaster core banking system. However, because of Banks historic use of manual systems void of centralization and problems in communication systems, it had to resort to decentralized system to start with. The need for reengineering arose because SBI along with other public sector counterparts started losing existing customers and were handicapped to tap the ever growing potential of middle class. In 2000, SBI engaged KPMG for this overhaul and in 2002, KPMG recommended an IT driven systems to counter the private players led competition. To start with 3300 branches were selected for implementation which was later expanded to 14600 of SBI affiliate branches considering unparalleled success. SBI planned to provide a single window system, better customer service, wanted to reach out to urban as well as rural population and control the customer switching along with many other objectives that it sought. The biggest problem that drove this restructuring for this Public sector giant was that since branches were not connected, the customer was a Branch customer rather than a Bank customer. Moreover Information Technology till now, was aimed only at Internal efficiency. Hence, it was planned to share operations for back-office functions and rework the workflows and processes. Indian Postal System BPR has aimed at radical improvements by means of elevating efficiency and effectiveness of the business processes that exist within and across department. The key for BPR is to look at business processes from a clean slate perspective and determine how they can best construct these processes to improve the way business is conducted. Department of Posts occasionally conducts workshops related to BPR involving the people such as Nodal Officers who are part of BPR strategy and implementation. India Post has been making several upgradations to existing systems and has started offering bouquet of services such as Money Transfers, One-stop bill payment (Telephone, electricity), Driving license renewals etc. Speed Post, started by Department of Posts in August 1986 for providing time-bound and express delivery of letters documents and parcels across the nation and abroad, is the market leader in the domestic express industry. Through ePOST service launched in 2004, customers can send their messages to any address in India with a combination of electronic transmission and physical delivery through a network of more than 1,55,000 Post Offices. ePOST sends messages as a soft copy through internet and delivered to the addressee in the form of hard copy at nominal charge of Rs 10 per A4 sheet. ePayment is a comprehensive bill payment service offered by India Post to help meet the needs of the business customers.  This allows collection of bills (telephone bills, electricity bills, university fee, school fee, insurance premia etc) on behalf of any organization. The collection is consolidated electronically using web based software and payment is made centrally through cheque from a specified post office. The payment information can be assessed online by the user. Instant Money Order (iMO), the instant on-line money transfer service, provides speed, mobility, safety and reliability for money transfer. IMO is an instant web based money transfer service through Post Offices (iMO Centre) in India between two resident individuals in Indian territory. Though the number of services offered is many, still huge gaps exist in quality as compared to international standards. To enable Department of Posts to achieve the business objectives of becoming the IT enabled complete service provider, Project Management Unit have been entrusted with the task of creating state of the art electronic network covering all its offices and all products and services including third party services and enable electronic transmission of information for conducting monitoring operations, consolidating transactions data and generating an effective MIS. Business Process Reengineering groups were formed and their reports are being evaluated by concerned Divisions of Directorate, which would form the base to make the comprehensive IT strategy and roadmap for Department of Posts. Indian Railways Its been long since computerized passenger reservation system was started by Indian Railways. Today the reservation related workload has increased manifold but railways have been able to manage the work without much increase in manpower. Different systems incorporated by railways includes- Software Aided Train Scheduling Network Governance Main objectives of train scheduling are that it should be convenient to the passenger and feasible to run on the system. Introducing new train services and augmenting older ones is an art and a select group of planners are highly skilled in this task. Indian Railways have now started using information technology to aid the planning process. Web Enabled Claims System The worlds biggest employer, the Indian Railways, which earlier used to prepare various claim (Court/Accident) documents manually, has shifted to web claims format which maintains up to date database of all such cases. Thereby, eliminating complex file maintenance providing for queries that gives the precise status of registered cases in Chief Claims Office. Punctuality Module This module was implemented in February, 2004. This module captures the delays involved in train running at interchange points and detention causes for the delays at the divisional level. Based on this input, reports are generated for traffic managers. CONCERT Country-wide Network for Computerized Enhanced Reservation and Ticketing developed by CRIS, is a total networking solution to Indian Railways Passenger Reservation System. Seat Availability/PNR/Journey Planner/Fare/Time Table enquiries and e-Reservation of tickets are available on the internet. Along with above initiatives, ATM integration with reservation/enquiry system is being planned as well. A number of Banks in India shall be issuing Reserved and Unreserved Tickets through their ATMs under an arrangement with Zonal Railways. It is not only the old stalwarts who have reengineered. Even the private sector and novice companies in upcoming sectors have seen this change. For Spencers, RPG Groups retail chain, massive ramp-up in operations necessitated a series of restructurings. The chain planned to increase from an area of 2.5 lakh square feet to 15 lakh square ft i.e. from 52 to 400 stores. This meant that the older systems were no longer adequate. Hence, instead of doing an incremental improvement on the existing processes, the company introduced an automatic replenishment system. This has resulted in decreased stockouts and increasing efficiency. It may be concluded that BPR initiatives have less to do with controlling costs and more about managing business, which underlines the importance of this concept.

Fatherhood and the Unmarried Adolescent African-American Male Essay

Just about a quarter of all children are now born out of wedlock.... Add to that the substantial fraction of children born into marriages that will not survive.... What do these high rates of marital instability imply for patterns of childbearing, and especially for fathers’ involvement with their children? (Furstenberg & Harris, 1992, p. 199) The vast amount of research on the topic of adolescent pregnancies has historically focused on the female (such as Furstenberg, 1976 and Stack, 1974). Social scientists have tried to understand the problem and also help the adolescent mother following her decision to give birth to a child. In some places, such as Oakland, California, 73% of adolescents giving birth are African American (Smith, 1988, p.269; Massey, 1991, p. 117). With this in mind, social workers have spent most of their efforts helping adolescent African-American women. The Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) and Aid to Families of Dependent Children (AFDC) offer help for many women and their children. Unfortunately, the social workers usually â€Å"viewed Black adolescent fathers either as a cause of the problem of adolescent parenthood or as a partial solution in their assigned role of financial provider† (Smith, 1988, p. 269). Introductory quote focuses on an important public conversation about children born out of wedlock and fathers' involvement with their children. Furtstenburg is considered an expert on the topic of pregnancy among adolescents and the changing American family. The writer further identifies the context for the research as the social sciences and suggests how this research has influenced social workers. Sources provide general background information, sp... American family: Sociological and demographic perspectives (pp. 197-223). Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. Furstenberg, F. (1976). Unplanned parenthood: The social consequences of teenage childbearing. New York: Free Press. Hendricks, L. E. (1988). A preliminary report on three ethnic groups. Adolescence, 91, 711-720 Horton, C. P. & Smith, J. C. (Eds.) (1990). Statistical record of Black America. Detroit: Gale Research, Inc. Massey, G. (1991). The flip side of teen mothers: A look at teen fathers. In B. P. Bowser. (Ed.), Black male adolescents: Parenting and education in community context (pp. 117-128). New York: University Press of America. Smith, L. A. (1988). Black adolescent fathers: Issues for service provision. Social Work, 33. 269-272. Stack, C. B. (1974). All our kin: Strategies for survival in a black community. New York: Harper & Row.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay --

This is the worst moment in my life yet, which I cannot forget. My story takes many turn; however, it is sad overall. My story similar with an episode of drama but it happened in real with me. After this incident, I hate to people and avoid always from strangers. My story disclose that how crimes are increasing in our society. After this incident my lifestyle has changed quietly. I learnt from the time because I was kidnapped in a strange way. It was unbelievable for me and I think that I was also a guilty person. In fact, I franked to everyone without know him. It was my interesting journey but there was some suspense and thrilling. My story show the mystery of social crimes from my personal narration. My story started from a local van. I could not forget this worst day of my life when I got a heavy loss; however, luckily God saved my life from enemies. Sometimes, I feel that how life is very tough and it is full of scales. I believe that life is not a bed of roses. I was 19 years old young boy but I was naughty instead of very polite in attitude and simple. I franked to everyone in very short time. Most of strangers become my friend. I trust on strangers without any fear. Most of my friends prevented me to be frank with anyone. This was the major reason of my worst incident of my life. The sun was sinking below the horizon and I decided to leave my city. I was ready to go to my cousin. Before sunset, my van was on the way and after 2 hours in the early night I had arrived there. In the van a young boy was impressed my new mobile Samsung glaxy3. It was the latest model of Samsung in the market. He became my friend in a few minutes. We were talking as we were friends from a long time ago. He was texting to someone but I did not a... ...ntage of my simplicity. I had to get loss but on the other hand they did not break the confidence on strangers only instead of they learned me that how strangers involved in social crimes. If I saw them today, I can recognize but I think that I was very young had no idea about typical life. I tasted a bitter taste of life in very early age. I think that life teaches us in different mood and style. Some learned from life with shocks and some were within passing the time. However, it was worst experience of my life because I lost my very precious gift. After, the incident, I started my new life with a new vision and thought. I also thanked to God for my new life and wisdom. Now, I do not make friends very early and especially avoid from the people those are accompanying with me for a little time. This incident told me that how should I tread with the life and society?

Sunday, August 18, 2019

American Dream in The Great Gatsby :: essays research papers

American Dream The novel, The Great Gatsby, portrayed the American dream in a positive light. The novel shows how people were living, what they had to live for, and how the world was evolving. All three of these were read about in The Great Gatsby, and the way they were portrayed was more than just average, they showed real life factors. Everyone would have to agree that The Great Gatsby is an all time great novel, but not everyone can agree on the views of F. Scott Fitzgerald. The novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald portrays the American dream in a positive light. The novel The Great Gatsby, goes into detail on how people of either West Egg or East Egg lived. F. Scott Fitzgerald described living conditions of both towns, one was rich, and one was poor. Fitzgerald talks about how people from the more wealthy side of town, West Egg, were able to do more and are treated with better respect. He also showed the more rundown, less wealthy side where people did not receive the same amount of respect. In the article â€Å" A Jay for Today, The Jay Gatsby’s of Today† a quote reading, â€Å" In the 1920’s, the rich were content to play with yachts and buy racehorses, their modern counterparts fly jets and aspire to own a football teams.† This quote shows how in the novel The Great Gatsby they are told to be happy with what they have and that most people are not able to do what they can. Both citizens of East and West Egg have a lot to live for whether they shall be rich or poor. As in the article â€Å" Gatsby: False Prophet of the American Dream† (in English Journal. Vol. 59, No. 5, May 1970, pg. 638-42). â€Å"My family all died and I come into a good deal of money. After that I lived like a young rajah in all the capitals of Europe, Paris, Venice, Rome, collecting jewels, chiefly rubies, hunting big game, painting a little thing for myself only, and trying to forget something very sad that had happened to me a long time ago.† This quote from Gatsby shows how no matter how life takes you, you should always keep your head up and think positive even if its not how you live, try to make things better for yourself so you can one day go somewhere in life.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Rape Scene In The Bluest Eye

In the article Taking Refuge in â€Å"How:† Dissecting the Motives Behind Cholly’s Rape in The Bluest Eye by Rebecca Andrews, Andrews talks about the motives behind Cholly raping Pecola. This article shows how Andrews believes â€Å"†¦ that Cholly is giving his daughter the only form of love he knows how to express†¦Ã¢â‚¬  In order for the us to understand the rape scene they would have to understand his past. Before he was even born his dad had abandoned his mother when she found out she was pregnant and nine days after he was born his mom leaves him in a trash pile. He was left to grow up with his Aunt Jimmy who he had a tough time viewing as a real parent.â€Å"†¦When she made him sleep with her for warmth in the winter and he could see her old wrinkled breasts in her nightgown— then he wondered whether it would have been just as well to have died. † (132) If he looked at her as an actual parent he wouldn’t have thought about it like that but instead he would have thought about it in a good way. Usually kids look forward to sleeping with their mothers but not him; he saw it in a bad way. His first encounters with parenting caused him to understand at a young age â€Å"that a parent/child relationship is not necessarily one that is filled with love.† (Andrews)He was never taught how to have a good parent child relationship therefore he wouldn’t have been able to have one with his own children. â€Å"Moments before he rapes his daughter, he has returned home drunk and sees her washing dishes. His first reaction to her is ‘revulsion’ which is ‘a reaction to her young, helpless, hopeless presence’. (Morrison 161)† Since he had never had love or affection from his parents he had failed to show any to Pecola. He thinks why she should even love him if he can never give her anything. When he sees her hopeless it reminds him of when he felt that way.Which brings him bac k to the first time he had first had sex and it was interrupted when two white guys and make them continue while they watched. By this happening he realized that he could express anger and love through sex. So when he first looks at Pecola he feels hatred but then it changes to love when she shift from one foot to the other and scratches her leg with her toe and it reminds him to when he had first met Pauline. When he first saw Pauline he didn’t have intentionally have feelings of lust as for the same with Pecola. The only way that he can show is love for Pecola is by having sex with her.In my opinion it is not his fault that he can’t show his love in another way. He grew up not knowing how to show that love and when he finally did it was through sex. But that still doesn’t make what he did right. I agree with Andrews when she says â€Å"†¦ that Cholly is giving his daughter the only form of love he knows how to express†¦Ã¢â‚¬  but at the same time h e could have learned to love in a different way for his children. By doing what he did to Pecola she will think that it’s a normal thing. It’s just a beginning of a cycle that will last for a long time.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Building a More Just Society Essay

Providing advice to a newly engaged or newly married couple would be very challenging. Because they feel like they know everything about their relationships. So the fact that they are asking for help says a lot about them wanting to make their relationship livelong. This says that they are willing to listen and learn from someone who has a little more knowledge about relationships. Words can be extremely effective in a relationship; however their impact can have a negative impact if they are not used properly. If negative words are used with a negative tone they are going to be perceived in a negative manner. If you want to have good communication, it’s the positive tone and words you choose which will make the best impact. The proper use of words can make or break a conversation. People are more likely to communicate and discuss issues if you speak respectfully and polite rather than negative. Positivity always goes farther than negativity especially in today’s world. With all the negativity that is already surrounding us on a daily basis it is so important to try to keep a positive aspect on our lives and relationships. How do you teach someone to be positive in their relationship? Every day is almost impossible to be perfect and keep negative thoughts and comments from coming up. There is going to be negative things that come up but teaching young couples how to manage those incidents and not let them turn into something more devastating is going to be the key to success. There are many aspects to work on with couples of all ages. One of the main things to teach is listening skills; like that listening is a key part of proper communication. Listening has proven to have much more of an impact on relationships than talking. It is all about why you say something or how you say it that impacts how well people are going to listen to the words that come out of your mouth. Listening requires that you pay attention to the tone of voice, facial expression, eye contact, and physical gestures of your partner. Doing this rather than focusing on what you are going to say next can help enhance your listening skills. It can also help with learning how to properly communicate. If you know how to listen you can learn how to communicate in a healthy manner. If you have had poor listening skills for years and are trying to improve them it is not going to be easy. But it is definitely possible with time practice and most of all patience. Relationships are not only built on listening there are so many aspects to cover. One main aspect is honesty; if you don’t have honesty in a relationship you cannot have a successful relationship. But the key is that both parties have to be completely honest with each other. If one person is not honest and the other is there will be a sense of mistrust in the relationship. This will cause a relationship to suffer immensely. If you want a happy and successful relationship you need to accept that everything may not always be perfect but honesty is the key to success. Keeping even the smallest of secrets will add up and can put extreme damage on a relationship. So for a relationship to succeed a key to its success is complete and utter honesty. If you love your significant other that should not be a problem because relationships are built on love, faith, honesty, commitment. A part of relationship comes with self-expression; you should never hesitate to discuss something. Just because you are a couple doesn’t meant that your significant other knows everything that you are thinking, feeling or opinions on an issue. This is where interpersonal communication comes in because you may feel that you are expressing yourself clearly but it was not received as you intended. Non-verbal communication has a huge impact on relationships; whether they are dating, married or even friends. Facial expressions say so much more than could ever be imagined. You can make or break friendships with what comes across from facial expressions. Due to the fact that perception is what matters at that point. People go off of your facial expressions more than we ever could think. This is perception; perception is the way someone interprets what they see, hear from you. So facial expression can make a person feel extremely uncomfortable. Communication is key to a successful relationship; taking that extra time out of your day to ensure that the relationship doesn’t suffer. 10 minutes a day is all that it takes to be effective in your relationship. If you are willing to spend 10 minutes a day talking to your significant other about your relationships, things that are important to you and them you will be amazed at how much more positive your relationship will be. If a healthy relationship is what you want you have to be willing to put and effort into it. Let’s face it how much does it honestly take out of your day to spend 10 minutes with your significant other. Communication can be done without even opening your mouth. It can be done based on facial expression, body posture. These are known as non verbal communication and they can impact relationships so much. Because people read your face and interpret what they think you are thinking it may or may not be accurate but that is a problem that comes with non verbal communication. I wish it was easy to tell someone how to communicate but all that can be offered are suggestions and they need to learn which skills work best for them on a personal level. Relationships can be made or broken based on the people’s communication skills. Poor communication skills can lead to a person feeling feelings such as anger, doubt or even disinterest. But if communication is done properly it can lead to feelings of trust, happiness and love. Relationships are either healthy or unhealthy and for you to be healthy as a person it is best for you to be in a healthy relationship. A healthy relationship meets the needs of both parties and is not selfish. It leads a relationship to a positive future rather than leading a relationship into distress. For a relationship to succeed here are 5 simple things to do that can help. According to Mary Lamphere in a article titled 5 tips for improving interpersonal skills: Tip #1: Be Honest: People do not like someone who is a liar or someone who seems fake. Many people can tell if a person is acting in a way that is not real to them and this makes others feel the need to hide from you the same way. Do not act like someone that you are not just to gain the friendship of that person. Tip #2: Never Criticize: To criticize someone is to act as though you are inherently better than that person. You should go into any relationship with the thought that you are no better than the next person-because you aren’t! You may do some things better than the other person, but they likely do some things better than you. Tip #3: Listen to People: This skill is very important for interpersonal communication success. To listen to someone means not just to hear what they are saying but to actually consider what they are saying and find something that you can agree with. Do not just instantly decide that you disagree and then stop listening. Pay attention to the other person and think about what they are saying. Find a way that you can relate to their thoughts even if you don’t fully agree with them. Another part of listening to people includes remembering what they say. You do not have to remember an entire conversation, but at lease remember the main points so that you can respond meaningfully. Pay attention because often times a persons name is the very beginning of a conversation and this is one of the most important points. Do whatever you have to do to make sure that you do not forget a persons name as this implies that you didn’t care enough to listen right from the start! Tip #4: Ask Questions: Asking questions is a nonverbal communication technique that everyone should consider. This technique is useful to you and it makes the other person feel like you actually care. You should care enough to ask questions that relate to a conversation so that you can continue a conversation. Tip #5: Admission: Admit when you are wrong! If you are wrong and you know it or it has been proven, then admit to it gracefully. Do not make a big deal about it, we are all wrong at some point in our lives. It is how we admit our mistakes that make us more friendship oriented. Nobody likes someone who is arrogant and cannot admit a simple wrong doing. Providing advice to newly engaged couples can be challenging. Because they feel they know everything about relationships. So the fact that you’re asking for help says a lot and says that you guys are willing to listen and learn from someone who has a little knowledge on relationships.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Clerval and Elizabeth Essay

It confirms our belief that he has become evil, but we also know the reasoning behind this,For no matter what he does he will always be shunned by mankind because of his appearance, and therefore why should he show them kindness if it is not reciprocated. The murder of William, 3 are all ruthless acts, they are also acts of vengeance towards Frankenstein. Some would however, argue that if Frankenstein had indeed made him a female partner then the torment would have ceased and Elizabeth’s life would have been spared. Frankenstein declares him a â€Å"monster† for these actions, but after all Frankenstein destroyed the creatures hopes for a female companion. However, the murders of William and Clerval can also, in some ways, be justified as acts of retribution although they can be seen as vengeful and foul. This shows the creature’s monstrous side. He is also capable of evil wickedness in the way that he coldly and calculatingly frames Justine of a murder she did not commit Mary Shelly had many themes running throughout her story bases on what she felt and what was going on around her at the time. One of the main themes is radical reform. Mary Shelly once described the French Revolution by saying â€Å"†¦ the giant now awoke. The mind†¦ received the spark which lit it into an inextinguishable flame†¦ â€Å". This could equally be her describing the creature. During â€Å"The French Revolution† never before were seen acts that were carried out by the common people, the poor were now daring to overthrow the rich. Mary Shelly witnessed the destruction of her Mother and Father’s reputation caused by their revolutionary fervour and managed to distance herself from it. Perhaps Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein is an allegory of the French revolution. The creature could be seen as a demonstration of the consequences of unleashing an uncontrollable force, Frankenstein could be seen as the initiators of the French Revolution who fail to control their followers. Frankenstein is very irresponsible of his creation and shuns it from the moment it comes to life, he also fails to keep the creature under control. The creature is then rejected, cursed and unloved by everyone, no matter what he does, he deals with his hurt and his anger by destroying everything he comes across and eventually he destroys his creator, Victor. Victor’s lack of responsibility towards the monster has resulted in his own downfall. This is what happens to the people who lead the way in French Revolution. They too created a monster who grew out of control and eventually the leaders were executed. Frankenstein’s creature begs to be treated with kindness and respect, but he is spurned and rejected. His moral monstrosity of the terror is also a creation of the French Aristocracy. If the Aristrocracy had acknowledged and paid gratitude and respect to the common people, they would of reciprocated in kind and the need for a revolution would be unnecessary. . Both the creature and his creator are warnings/demonstrations to the world: the powerful must esteem and respect the powerless, or revolution will ensue. Now I come to answer the question â€Å"does Shelly intend us to respond to the creature as a monster†. What Mary Shelly is saying is that monsters aren’t born they are made. This is evident in the way that the creature is treated. When he is first introduced to the world he is a kind, loving being, perhaps even an example of goodness. But when in the face of people he is rejected, cursed upon and unloved, this in effect turns the creature into a monster. Mary is also saying that reform, when it is controlled and in the right hands is not a bas thing, but when we fail to control it will grow uncontrollable and become evil. By Joshua Gray Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Mary Shelley section.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Product Design at Regal Marine

VIDEO CASE STUDY PRODUCT DESIGN AT REGAL MARINE The 7-minute video available from Prentice Hall, filmed specifically for this text, supplements the written case. 1.? The concept of product life cycle applies to Regal Marine because Regal is constantly under pressure to introduce new prod-ucts—and those products have life cycles of relatively few years. As the video suggests, it is a matter of typically less than five years before a boat is out of style and its life cycle terminated. This is a long life cycle compared to a newspaper or magazine, but if you are the production manager it seems rather short. 2.? Regal Marine uses a strategy of product differentiation, which constantly introduces new products with new innovations and new styling to stay competitive in the luxury performance boat market. 3.? The cost and time saving at Regal Marine through use of CAD is typical of the use of CAD everywhere. It allows a variety of designs and styles to be tested very economically. The ratio of savings of engineering talent is about four to one. Most important-ly, it allows them to be creative economically and rapidly. 4.? The payoff from CAD is not only evident in efficiency, crea-tive designs, and styling but by production of the code necessary for the numerical machines, such as the machines used to make the plugs in Washington state and for those applications of the numerical control machines at Regal Marine. CAD also provides, as a by-product, very effective and comprehensive documentation of design variables.

The Purchase of Paris Saint German Football Club by Qatar Sports Case Study

The Purchase of Paris Saint German Football Club by Qatar Sports Investments - Case Study Example It was an effective strategy because purchasing the football club by QSI was one way of showing national pride. The strategy motive was also the belief in the future growth of sports and enable PSG to achieve their big dreams. It was also an effective strategy for transforming the PSG into one of the biggest teams in the globe. Thus, placing people in power who have knowledgeable and effective skills about the sport would be significant for the success of the PSG club. The project also focused on the other argumentative side by revealing that to a smaller extent, the purchase of Paris Saint-German FC by QSI was not a good strategy. This was because selling the PSG FC to Qatar is one of putting the football club under risks. It was not a good strategy because it might be due to political interest and the aim for Qatar to achieve its business objectives. Lastly, the conclusion was included that provided a brief summary of the argumentative points presented in the project. In What Way i s the Purchase of Paris Saint-German Football Club by Qatar Sports Investments (QSI) a Good Strategy for the Company? Paris Saint-German FC is a qualified association football team, which is based in Paris, France. It was founded in 1970 by Saint-Germain and Paris football associations who joined and formed the association, which has been always representing Paris. PSG (Paris Saint-German) is an interesting football association across the globe. This team was bought by QSI during summer 2011, thus the French club has shocked many people because of its immense transfer expenditure. The Paris team has always been on the forefront and it has been in the competition record since it began its football association in 1974. PSG is among the teams that have won main European cup, and it became the major team in 1994 after it won the tournament cup. It was also ranked among the best leading teams in the UEFA tournament winners in 1998 and is currently ranked 16th in the IIHS (International F ederation of Football History & Statistics) and 46th in the UEFA team ranking. The purchase of PSG football club by Qatar is a good strategy for the company because of varied reasons. First, Qatar sports could be investing in football as one way of promoting Qatar business interest at large. For instance, Qatar will offer football companies a patronage pact to enhance their brand. Moreover, there is not team across the globe with higher interest than PSG. Since this football club was purchased by QSI, the club has greatly improved; thus shocked the world with its massive transfer cost. Many people are expecting a lot from QSI over the coming decades because they invest a lot; hence good for benefiting of the club. This is because it will enable the company to achieve their dreams of building a competitive team which will become among the best teams across Europe (Hytner, D. (September 11, 2012). The company owner has pledged to spend a lot in the coming years in order to enable the PSG to become the greatest football club across the globe. In addition, the purchase of PSG by QSI was a good idea because it is a big advantage to the company. This is because investing in the football club can enable them to develop a powerful team; thus contributing to increased performance level.  

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The role of employee engagement in an organization, using M & S food Essay

The role of employee engagement in an organization, using M & S food store as an organization - Essay Example Only a third of employees have motivation in their work places in the United Kingdom (BergHind, 2005). Some organizations have embraced a strong sense of developing employee willingness to have a positive mental attitude towards work (Accor Services, 2009). Only twenty nine percent in the United States are enthusiastic about their work and employment. The business landscape is more unpredictable and more dynamic than ever before. However, despite challenges, most organizations have continuously supported employees to create a positive mental attitude towards work. Human resource remains a fundamental resource in any business. Companies that pride themselves in continued improvement of the intangible resources of the business entity. The intangible resources encompass the psychological factors that influence the mental preparedness and willingness of workers in an important pillar of progress in any company. The company has established itself as a true benchmark of success in the reta il industry through creating a sense of belonging among employees ( Bradley, 2007). The human resource personnel and other officials in the company engage the workforce in various developmental steps of the company. In the current dynamic and ever evolving business landscape, companies have stepped up efforts to engage employees. In the past, organizations were concentrating on staff retention plans which were ineffective in guaranteeing high performance. This is because companies were keeping millions of unwilling workers who simply turned for duty but were never interested in building the organization (Clarke & MacLeod 2009, p 168). Organizations today are engaging employees through informing employees about the organizations, creating strong communication channels where there is feedback from employees and committing the top management to proper service delivery. At the moment, several organizations have improved the extent employee engagement effort. What are the benefits of eng aged employees and how they are been rewarded in regards to their engagement to the organization. The psychological factors are key to the success of any company. Any employee who is engaged to a company will produce better results than an employee who is not motivated at work (Baldwin & Davis, 2006). This makes rewards and benefits to an employee who is engaged very necessary if any organization has to continue performing well (Clarke & MacLeod, 2009). Employees who are engaged will be handled well by the organization. Employees who have a positive attitude towards their work have less stress and are less likely to fall sick compared to those who are not engaged. Employees who are engaged derive joy and attach meaning to their work. This makes employee engagement the heart of high performance in an organization (Accor Services 2009, p 162). A strong correlation was established between employee engagement and the level of performance. The stores that were in the top quartile of enga gement achieved eight percent higher mystery shop scores than those in the bottom quartile (Marks and Spencer Group Inc, 2012, p. 56). This underscores the importance of employee engagement in the success of the company. The biggest job related concern among workers in the United Kingdom is the amount of salary employees earn. More than forty six percent of the workers consider the salary they earn as their main concern (Merrit J. E., 2012, p. 29). Engaged employees get offers from the company.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Sasha Jensen's Interior Landscape Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sasha Jensen's Interior Landscape - Essay Example How she sees the world and life, how individuals should treat them, is expressed in the scene she describes when remembering that job in the dress shop, dealing with the bald, old Englishwoman and her daughter. This is how she would like to be, not how she was, or is. Already, we see the complexity of this character. She has suffered betrayal, dreadful poverty, the death of a child and many hurts and views herself as a victim. Yet she retains a fine sense of irony, the ability to see through others, and a recognition of her own condition and despair. She is contradictory in the extreme, This last comment gives an insight into Sasha's alienation, 'they' always seeing her in ways she does not perceive herself, 'they' always wanting to take from her. On the other hand, in contradiction, she agrees to, then seeks the company of the young Russian, visits the painter and goes to great lengths to improve her appearance, with make up, hair dye and a new hat. That these 'improvements' make Sasha feel good, signifies a universal truth, without offending feminist principles; that most females would relate to these feelings. She becomes empowered, this person who is at times incapable of expressing her intelligent and perceptive thoughts aloud, past or present. Using the strength of that empowerment, she sees Rene, the gigolo, as an opportunity to pay back for the hurts endured throughout her life. In fact, they recognize in each other, two outsiders, wounded in many ways. Sasha's perceptions are so damaged that she is unable to trust that he will cause no further hurt. So ali enated is she from the concept of human kindness, just for its own sake, that she continues to let her experiences prevent her from accepting his offer of just loving kindness for one night. While the prospect of meeting him again excites, Sasha encapsulates her feelings thus: 'I won't do a thing - not a thing. I will not grimace and posture before these

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Assessment of environmental process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Assessment of environmental process - Essay Example For instance, suffocation and drowning of toddlers can be directly linked to parental irresponsibility. Parental and child safety frameworks should be developed to prevent these causes of injury. In an argument by Marino & Fine (2013) parental teaching is required to develop safer home environments. For instance, to avoid suffocation, cribs for toddlers should be well ventilated. Moreover, drowning cases should be avoided since a child below the age of three should not be allowed in pools. Pools in homesteads should be well covered to avoid drowning cases. Marino & Fine (2013) assert that the relationship between a healthy child and safety interventions is based on good parenting. Consequently, safety interventions should also be provided to children. Children should be educated on how to read and understand safety signs. This may include requirements to avoid restricted places such as

Saturday, August 10, 2019

The tutoring business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The tutoring business - Essay Example Customers can be reached through different forms of communication. Through networking, the customers can be reached by email, cell or telephone as well as social network sites such as face book and WhatsApp. These forms of communication are fast, secure and efficient. Video conferencing can also be used to conduct business. For instance, skype is a method of communication that enables two people to communicate face to face through the use of video system though they may be located in different places. The other effective method of reaching customers is the use of cell phones. Voice calls can be made or text messages can also be used to link people from different areas. This helps the tutors and the students to exchange vital information. Direct interaction between the tutors and their students can also help these two groups to link with each other. Through face to face communication, the tutors and the students can know each other better quite easily. In order to provide customer ser vice, there are different styles that can be used. The most important thing that we are going to take into consideration is to listen to all their concerns. Effective listening to the customers is a very important component of conducting business. When we listen to the customers, we will be in a position to understand their needs. The other step that we will take in order to provide quality feedback is to provide them with feedback so that they may get to know their progress in learning other languages.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Factors that effect achievement on BTEC level 3 extended diploma in Literature review

Factors that effect achievement on BTEC level 3 extended diploma in sport courses - Literature review Example This is because college graduates will, on average, make a million or more – throughout their working lives – above their non-graduate counterparts that went to the high school level. The bad news in the way of student achievement, which affects the success of BTEC level 3 courses, include that enrolment and persistence levels among learners from low-earning communities remains lower. The groups affected include those from different backgrounds, including native and non-natives. The case is more severe for those suffering from disabilities. The other issue is that the preparation offered at high school is not sufficient, and in pace with the interests of those attending college, therefore, this affects their performance levels at the BTEC level 3 course. This report will explore the wide array of critical issues that affect student achievement at the BTEC level 3 sports course. Factors that lead to low college achievement The situation of being disadvantaged is believed to be the leading cause of low college achievement (Sylva et al., 2004). Such disadvantage is mostly associated with poverty, which makes it difficult for the students to access basic resources such as proper housing, diet and health. In connection with this is unfavourable home learning environment, including the inability of parents in supporting their children in achieving their educational goals (Sylva et al., 2004). The home learning environment is connected to other factors such as parental educational levels, social class as well as what parental involvement in children’s affairs. Educational performance is also associated with cognitive factors, where children of professional parents are found be affected by cognitive deficit than their counterparts from non-professional backgrounds (Feinstein, 2003; Melhuish et al., 2001). Also, children from poor socio-economic status have problems in developing good language skills, which affect their comprehension and learning as well as numeracy and acquisition when they join BETC level 3. Children from poor backgrounds also tend to interact less with their parents, hence they end up receiving little or no parental support, a situation that also hinder their educational achievements when attending their BETEC level 3 (Clegg and Ginsborg, 2006). Gender Low achievement in education has put many students at a disadvantaged position. However, it is important to note that different groups in the population react in a different way depending on their circumstances. OECD studies have shown that, in England, girls outperform boys (Sylva et al., 2004). Elsewhere, Machin and McNally (2005) argue that gender gap has really affected education in the UK, even though the general achievement for both gender has improved. The gender aspect reveals that low academic achievement as a result of low being disadvantaged is very inconsistent, for example because girls from the same family are known to perform differently (Sincl air, 2007). A study published by UNICEF concerning children welfare in rich countries reported the UK at the last ranking out of 21 countries, hence attracting a lot of attention. Some of the factors that led to the poor ranking including the adolescent behaviour which in turn is attributable to background factors such as poor parenting. Margo and Dixon (2006) notes that an inconsistent number of those

All about Coal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

All about Coal - Research Paper Example The reason for the gathering of coal was primarily for household uses, namely heat. It was later discovered that it played an important role with its heating capabilities in smelting, alloy production and the generation of electricity. Sir George Bruce created a loading island where he sank a shaft connected to two others for drainage purposes and ventilation. This form of technology was extraordinary in coal mining during medieval times, often considered an industrial wonder of the time. In the 17th century many advances in the techniques used for mining were discovered, including test boring and drainage of the collieries, to allow the coal to be brought to the surface easier and more safely. Definition Merriam-Webster (2011) defines coal as â€Å"a piece of glowing carbon or charred wood†. This is a curious definition, as most would think of coal as simply a dirty, black rock that creates heat and is great for summer barbecues. The fact that it is defined as â€Å"glowingà ¢â‚¬  and â€Å"charred wood† leave the mind to wonder how was coal formed then? If it is already â€Å"charred wood†, why would we use it? It’s already been burned up, so what use can it be? The answer lies in the reason and process through which coal was formed. How coal was formed The formation of coal began around 300 million years ago, while most of the earth was covered by swamps, giant ferns and different mosses. Layer after layer of these plants died and subsequently were compressed and covered with new soil. As these new layers of soil covered the dead plants, the lack of air stopped the decomposition processes of the plants. This created peat, and throughout the years with heat and extensive pressure, it forced out oxygen and hydrogen, leaving carbon-rich deposits known as coal. As the carbon content of the coal increases, its compression is increased and the moisture content drops further. Thusly, there are four types of coal that form in subsequent order, each with its own grading scale, known as a â€Å"rank† (Speight, 2005). ( III. Four Categories of Coal The four categories of coal are lignite, subbituminous, bituminous and anthracite. Each one has its own ranking, based on the degree of which the original plant materials have been turned into carbon. These ranks are also used an estimation of how old the coal is. In general, the older the coal, the higher the carbon content. Lignite coal is the youngest of the four, and is most often used in the generation of electric power. It is a brownish black color and has a high moisture and sulphur content. It is more similar to soil than rocks and has a tendency to fragment when exposed to the elements. Subbituminous coal is often referred to as black lignite, although its moisture content is lower. It is also used for the generation of electricity, but also used for heating. Bituminous coal is a soft coal. iIt is dense and black with stripes of vibrant an d dull materials. This is the most commonly found and used type of coal, for coke (a residue of coal used in the steel industry), electricity, and heating as well. The last of the four, anthracite coal, is the hardest, oldest and best of the four types. It is black, glossy and very hard like a rock. It has the lowest sulphur content and the highest carbon