Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Purchase of Paris Saint German Football Club by Qatar Sports Case Study

The Purchase of Paris Saint German Football Club by Qatar Sports Investments - Case Study Example It was an effective strategy because purchasing the football club by QSI was one way of showing national pride. The strategy motive was also the belief in the future growth of sports and enable PSG to achieve their big dreams. It was also an effective strategy for transforming the PSG into one of the biggest teams in the globe. Thus, placing people in power who have knowledgeable and effective skills about the sport would be significant for the success of the PSG club. The project also focused on the other argumentative side by revealing that to a smaller extent, the purchase of Paris Saint-German FC by QSI was not a good strategy. This was because selling the PSG FC to Qatar is one of putting the football club under risks. It was not a good strategy because it might be due to political interest and the aim for Qatar to achieve its business objectives. Lastly, the conclusion was included that provided a brief summary of the argumentative points presented in the project. In What Way i s the Purchase of Paris Saint-German Football Club by Qatar Sports Investments (QSI) a Good Strategy for the Company? Paris Saint-German FC is a qualified association football team, which is based in Paris, France. It was founded in 1970 by Saint-Germain and Paris football associations who joined and formed the association, which has been always representing Paris. PSG (Paris Saint-German) is an interesting football association across the globe. This team was bought by QSI during summer 2011, thus the French club has shocked many people because of its immense transfer expenditure. The Paris team has always been on the forefront and it has been in the competition record since it began its football association in 1974. PSG is among the teams that have won main European cup, and it became the major team in 1994 after it won the tournament cup. It was also ranked among the best leading teams in the UEFA tournament winners in 1998 and is currently ranked 16th in the IIHS (International F ederation of Football History & Statistics) and 46th in the UEFA team ranking. The purchase of PSG football club by Qatar is a good strategy for the company because of varied reasons. First, Qatar sports could be investing in football as one way of promoting Qatar business interest at large. For instance, Qatar will offer football companies a patronage pact to enhance their brand. Moreover, there is not team across the globe with higher interest than PSG. Since this football club was purchased by QSI, the club has greatly improved; thus shocked the world with its massive transfer cost. Many people are expecting a lot from QSI over the coming decades because they invest a lot; hence good for benefiting of the club. This is because it will enable the company to achieve their dreams of building a competitive team which will become among the best teams across Europe (Hytner, D. (September 11, 2012). The company owner has pledged to spend a lot in the coming years in order to enable the PSG to become the greatest football club across the globe. In addition, the purchase of PSG by QSI was a good idea because it is a big advantage to the company. This is because investing in the football club can enable them to develop a powerful team; thus contributing to increased performance level.  

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