Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Historical Anagoly Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Historical Anagoly - Essay Example According to (A& E television,2001) â€Å"On September 11, 2001, at 8:45 a.m. on a clear Tuesday morning, an American Airlines Boeing 767 loaded with 20,000 gallons of jet fuel crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City†. The terrorist attack was carried out by the Al – Qaeda militant head Osama bin Laden and it gave rise to harsh rivalry between America and Islamic radical group. Since then the most mind boggling historical event was the killing of Osama bin Laden by American militants. The radical leader who swayed American government and security of the nation was killed in a remote Pakistani residence. The terrorist leader was killed and submerged in the sea by the American government and this was a pivotal achievement for the American government. The terrorist attack on World Trade Centre was a moment of threat, danger and insecurity for America but with the killing of Osama bin laden, the country gained the confidence and approval of i ts citizen. Fear of attack The America in its history has never undergone such an attack where the nation lost many of its citizen and right of freedom to act or survive in a peaceful environment. The country was living in fear as the reality was frightening where anytime one could face death or injury without short notice. The smell of death was everywhere, people were scared to step out of house or attend work. They believed and were alerted that any unknown baggage or suspicious man could be a radical element which could denote bomb or explosive. Frankly speaking, America was a safe country and every citizen had the right to live in a peaceful environment. However, with this attack, the country was the least secure nation as the radical elements seared to destroy the nation at any cost. At the same time, the Islamic militants were rejoicing at their success of mutilating America. They believed the culture and strategy of America were to destroy other nation and Islam as the only true religion should abolish Christianity and their cultural practice. The Al – Qaeda which was formulated by Osama bin Laden for the protection of Muslims under attack by America grew to be a large organization which had branches worldwide. They trained suicide bombers and convinced them to fight for the religion. The rigorous religious practice and training give way to September 11 attack which gave joy and success to Osama led Al Qaeda group. According to (Baldor,2013) â€Å"U.S. special operations forces who participated in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden were in uniform and wearing nametags during a CIA award ceremony attended by the writer of the film "Zero Dark Thirty," a Pentagon inspector general's report said Friday† The politics of the event Everybody knows that America as a powerful nation want all countries at their feet. The country had been enemy to many developing nation s as they ruled according to their will and wants their counterparts at their subjugation. The country had a major hand in attacking Afghanis along with Russia. The Osama bin laden has many times confessed that this union of America with Russia has sparked vengeance in him against America. He declared that the Saudi chose him to be a representative to fight against atheist America and Russia. It is a fact that Russians and America as westerners wanted to destroy the solidarity and unity of the growing

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